Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friday, Sept. 23 - Poster Sessions (1 - 5:30pm)

The poster session had 5 presenters set up in the lobby - several must have cancelled because the initial program listed many more. I talked with one from USC-Aiken, with the poster titled "Three Minutes to Save the World: Preventing Plagiarism Through Screen Casting."

We discussed the mechanics of creating the screencasts more than the issue of plagiarism. She used Prezi to create a powerpoint-like presentation - the difference is that Prezi, as we've learned before, allows you to zoom in and out (more spacial moving around than PP). Then, she used Screencast-o-matic to record the video. This program is another open source program, very very similar to Jing that was mentioned in other sessions. We might want to look into it because it allows longer videos (if that's an issue).

Also stopped by the booth for the poster "Information Literacy Online: The Case of Freshman Seminar," presented by a Univ. of South Alabama (Mobile) librarian. Was interested but focused on online instruction, so not so relevant to our set-up.

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